Friday, February 12, 2016

"I've Never Felt More Present In My Life As I Do Right Now."

A couple of weeks back, I reshared this image on Facebook. I googled the quote and learned that Harold B. Lee stated these words. Religion is not a part of my fundamentals; however, these words do fit into my core values.

I expressed to my husband the other night, that I've never felt more present in my life as I do right now. I can't help but think that it is not all about me, but, more so about these young beings behind our four walls.

The caption I added to the reshare: No matter how much money generated. No matter how many praises received.

If you are a woman entrepreneur raising a family, be good to your family - equally or even more so than the people you serve, because the success within your home pours out into all your endeavors, authentically. Nurture your family as you do your business.

Your Turn:
What do you think about this: I don't want to be a success outside and a mess behind closed doors (I read this somewhere before. Can't remember who said it.). Check one of the boxes below to share what you think about this post.

Be Whole,