Let's get to the nitty-gritty.
It is evident that I am not a guru, celebrity, nor celebrity-like. However, my experience gives me the credentials to share and hopefully inspire others.
I remember a time when (almost every month) I thought about going to the bank to get a loan to operate my business. King T. would always remind me of how far we've come: 1 hour away from homelessness to head coming and staying above water. I have a few notebooks filled with business ideas. Although that loan would give immediate results, I am at great peace checking off each accomplishment. As a business woman, I have implemented other divisions for growth. As an Indie biz woman, I know that the most powerful bet to continue to flourish is C-O-L-L-A-B-O-R-A-T-I-O-N.
Most Indie biz want the growth and notoriety of big biz, but many do not make the key move like big biz. Bertolli®, Ben & Jerry's®, and redbox® is the latest collabo I've seen. I love it (I love just about every big biz collabo)! Purchase Bertolli® (a meal for 2)+ Ben & Jerry's® (a pint of dessert for 2)= 3 free redbox® movies. Now I don't know who the facilitator of this collabo is, but my money is on redbox®. Brilliant. My theory: redbox® saw this as the perfect weekend experience for 2. Smart. Bertolli® and Ben & Jerry's® understood the vision and saw the $$$$$. Big biz doesn't get comfortable in the 'people-know-about-us' mentality. They stay in your face....working smarter not harder , they do it via collabos.
There's no doubt that Indie biz women (hand-crafters and services) can successfully grow their business, by adding collaborations to their plan. This is the most powerful way to generate attention and potential business from consumers. I know many think it is the crab-in-the-barrel attitude that keeps women from working together, however, my years of observing Indies has lead me to:
- the lack of know-how
- the lack of confidence
- the lack of vision
My most recent collaboration proposals have been sent out to two women in my network. One is for creating for a cause, the other is cross-marketing (similar to the redbox® collabo). I heard from the former, immediately. She instantly saw the vision and benefits. Hoping that the other professional woman will also see the vision. I am always paying attention to women in my network, making notes, building a plan on how we can work together.
If you are a professional woman in business, and you can see how we can work together, send your proposal (objective, procedures, etc.) to itiel (at)smellgoodspa(dot)com. Don't limit your creativity on how we can work together.
Business Tip:
Stack The Deck- If you have an Affiliate Marketing Program (another great tool for growing business), incorporate that into your collabos (if applicable).
Related Reading:
Why So Many Women Fail!
Related Source:
Her Light Is On