The Stay Sweet Collection was created to enhance the inside, outside beauty of girls and young ladies. This is my small, but sincere contribution to help girls make a smoother transition into womanhood. I believe this is only the beginning of this purpose.
Four weeks ago I woke up with a sense of urgency. It was time for me to reach out and contact grass-root organizations that empower girls. In 2008, the birth of the Stay Sweet Collection, there was little success with donating products and money to organizations. I was happy, but still not the outcome that I hoped for. At the start of 2009, I contacted those organizations that I did not hear back from, and some new ones that I found through one of my Ning networks. Similar outcome. Now it was the end of 2009. What am I going to do now? When I woke up on that morning, I immediately went to the computer and drafted a letter. I went onto my Ning network and discovered there were several new grass-root organizations, and the ones that I contacted in the past were also still growing successfully. I emailed the letter. SUCCESS! Within a few hours I received positive responses. During the week I received a phone call from one of the organizations that I would not let up on. Dates were set. The calendar is filling up. They are excited. I am excited!
You don't give up, you work and wait. You remain consistent and persistent.
Twenty-five Stay Sweet Spritzers were donated to Jewels and GEMS. Ugh, I forgot to take a picture of the cute pink and purple bottles before shipping them out. In two days, these girls will be holding those bottles, reading the positive affirmations on the label, and....spraying up their rooms and bodies until their parents