Moms, remember that day She busted through the door, coming in from playing outside? An unfamiliar odor passed in front of your nose, but you hunched your shoulders and thought: it stinks, but maybe it's nothing - she'll wash up. Don't get tricked. Puberty is here and it's live & direct. "What happened to my sweet smelling child, the one that could wear those same play-clothes for 3 days straight before they hit the laundry?!" She's still there. Instructions on how to manage hygiene and grabbing fresh play-clothes, daily, will get you both through.
I remember my moment with the Warrior Princesses! It wasn't a pretty thing. My daughters are athletic too, so you KNOW.... When the WPs were toddlers/young children, I taught them how to manage their hygiene. Teaching them that good hygiene is one of the cues to having self-respect. We talked about what puberty is, why it is, and that it was just waiting for its moment. Along with my friendly-reminders - remember to give more attention to that area - I'm glad we have the right arsenal, deodorant and effective body care, to help us through this battle. Our cuddle time is still pleasant. :o)
Winning the war by annihilating pubescent odor, would be going against nature, and actually I embrace my daughters' healthy transitions. For now, I'll settle for winning the battle.
Moms, what are you doing to win the battle against pubescent odor?