Monday, December 20, 2010
Me Musing

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Updated Brochure
revise and update brochure--check
(that's been on the list for weeks) #JudgeNot (LOL. Using that # from Akilah Richards).
The front of the brochure now complements the business cards (courtesy of Voz Visual).
smell goods '98

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Giving Stuff Away on FB? Changes.
*Big Inhale. Gasp. Coming Up For Air* I've been buuuusy, but who hasn't. Right? If you are, I'm happy for you. This post is about the following:
If you've had promotions (giveaways, sweepstakes, etc.) on Facebook in the past, I suggest you read their new guidelines on this subject matter. Oh yeah.
The Smell Goods '98™ fan page is almost to 500 persons. Yay! I definitely want to have a Fan giveaway, but not quite sure of how I am going to proceed. I could use the platform that I used in the past, but that opens the giveaway to the "public". I just want a nice, cozy somethin'-somethin' for the Fans.
If you've had promotions (giveaways, sweepstakes, etc.) on Facebook in the past, I suggest you read their new guidelines on this subject matter. Oh yeah.
The Smell Goods '98™ fan page is almost to 500 persons. Yay! I definitely want to have a Fan giveaway, but not quite sure of how I am going to proceed. I could use the platform that I used in the past, but that opens the giveaway to the "public". I just want a nice, cozy somethin'-somethin' for the Fans.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Cyber Monday Sale
What? You didn't know? Yep, we're having one on the 29th! To find out about our sales and weekly deals, check us out on Mmmm News and Facebook. We have details coming about our Cyber Monday Sale, but they won't be posted here. ;o)
smell goods '98

Monday, November 1, 2010
Your OM:Olfactory Moment
November 1
Olfactory- Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.
Moment- A specific point in time, especially the present time. OR. A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments.
How significant are the moments in your life? Do you take the time to live in your moments? Do you just go about aimlessly, taking your senses for granted?
What is the Olfactory Moment? The Olfactory Moment is when you tell the readers what aroma or odor you smelled over the weekend. What memory did it recreate? Was it a scent that you may never forget, thus creating future memories of that moment?
Did you have an Olfactory Moment this weekend?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

MyDreadLocks.Com Giveaway!
There are three $25 gift baskets up for grabs for anyone who submits pictures of dreadlocks (they must be your locs, of course). Check out the goodies in the basket!

Monday, October 25, 2010
Looking For A Good Deal?
I know you are. For our weekly deals, visit Get our weekly deals delivered in your inbox;subscribe to MMMM News.

Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday Musing
*Waves* to all new followers. :o)
In everything you do, have a purpose. Make sure the quality of your
intent is one of truth, honor and love. Prepare to pursue your purpose
with prayer. Ask for guidance, protection and direction. Ask that
closed doors be opened and that the purpose of those that remain closed
be revealed. Give thanks for your answered prayers by proceeding
without any doubt. Keep your purpose in mind, trust the guidance you
receive, have faith in your ability to succeed and accept all that comes
your way. If your purpose is clear, your prayers backed by faith, your
outlook sure and positive, never, never look back. You may meet forks
and turns in the road, but your obstacles shall all be removed.
Excerpt from
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant
Love and Light Always!

There are four rungs on the ladder of success:
Plan Purposefully, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed
Positively, Pursue Persistently.
- African-American folklore
Plan Purposefully, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed
Positively, Pursue Persistently.
- African-American folklore
In everything you do, have a purpose. Make sure the quality of your
intent is one of truth, honor and love. Prepare to pursue your purpose
with prayer. Ask for guidance, protection and direction. Ask that
closed doors be opened and that the purpose of those that remain closed
be revealed. Give thanks for your answered prayers by proceeding
without any doubt. Keep your purpose in mind, trust the guidance you
receive, have faith in your ability to succeed and accept all that comes
your way. If your purpose is clear, your prayers backed by faith, your
outlook sure and positive, never, never look back. You may meet forks
and turns in the road, but your obstacles shall all be removed.
I am planning with purpose, preparing with prayer, proceeding positively in persistent pursuit of my goal.
Excerpt from
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant
Love and Light Always!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I'm Back! 1% Inspiration 99% Perspiration. Faith Without Works Is Dead.
My desire is to inspire women in business to aspire to be the best that they can, in all aspects of their lives. Itiel
The Majestic & Bountiful Gulf
(This is an actual shot. Not photoshopped nor stock. Amazing right?!)
I went away for a few days (yay). An excellent break from the months' (especially last month) grinding;mental and spiritual preparation for this month's anticipated business. Initially I was reluctant about getting away, because of our huge sale that we only do once a year. After finalizing two local collaborations, processing retail sales all month, and beginning the fall semester of home education, I knew this is what I needed. "Gurl (sucking teeth like mi sistas in the Caribbean), setup the home base, and work that technology like it was designed to!" The sale was a great success! Each order warranted a praise to The Most High.
1% Inspiration 99% Perspiration ~ Edison
Faith Without Works Is Dead~ James
Adding new dynamics to this business is a task that I've diligently, creatively, and intelligently been working on. For years my focus has been on the retail side, and that is now thriving on its own. I want to do all that I possibly can for this business;to have it run like a well-oiled machine. Over the past several months I've been working & waiting;working & listening (internally);working & being inspired;working & watching the doors open;sitting & listening. There are many "experts" out there who have great marketing ideas. I've never been one to completely do what some other mere mortal tells me to do; I've taken some good parts, mixed in my ideas, worked according to my integrity, and did (do) what I thought (think) is best for my business.
I decided to put more into my Affiliate Program. Putting in more effort has not only drawn those I communicate with over the web, but other websites that I've never heard of before. Success! I've implemented a unique wholesaling entity, client gifting entity, and exclusive creations for other types of businesses. Success! Yeah, last month was super busy.
Courage & Fear R Nemeses
A Facebook friend updated his status with this:
To acknowledge what is working
in your life is the most powerful
way of transforming yourself.
I read his status while on my getaway. I reflected on when I came to that revelation. That was one of the moments that changed my life. Thus I have been propelling forward ever since.
Four months ago when moving forward with adding new dynamics, I received an email. People are always watching. Remain consistent and genuine. Niki Barber a professional Doula told me that she has a new mobile boutique, Simora Rose Le Boutique Voyagé, and wanted Smell Goods' products. Now the reason I say that people are always watching is because I ran into her mother a year before receiving a correspondence from Niki. Her mother is the owner of the first established reggae store in Charlotte (someone whom I have always admired as a business person, up close and afar). She mentioned how Niki has been keeping up with me and the business via the WWW, and was very excited/happy about the consistency and the transformation (and boy has there been transformation-LOL). You know, I walked away being happy that she was happy, not thinking of anything else. How about she (and her business partner) was the first wholesale order!
OK, now this next collaboration.... I am so... Man... Let me.... OK, already!
You know my creations come from being inspired by gourmet desserts, gourmet beverages, and confections. Right? Well, four months ago while moving forward with adding new dynamics, I was driving in my vehicle when I got a thought (working & listening internally), create something for Bite Your Tongue Restaurant. Huh? Yes! This is something you've always desired;to exclusively create for food businesses. Now is the time. What if it doesn't work out? Now is the time. What if... I heard my mother's voice at that moment, 'There can only be two answers, yes or no. What is the worst thing that can happen?' Now is the time.
Bite Your Tongue Restaurant was started by a wife and husband team, who decided to make Charlotte their home after Hurricane Katrina. Over the years we have gotten to know them and Martine's amazing Louisiana style of cooking. Again, another business owner that I have admired up close and afar.
King T, the Warrior Princesses, and I went in one day just to purchase BYT's #1 selling dessert, White Chocolate Bread Pudding. Later, Martine admitted that she thought that was odd, but thought we just wanted to say, "Hi".
After tasting that scrumptious treat, I immediately had the fragrance notes in my olfactory brain. The fragrance blends (yes, I created two) were spot-on. I infused soap with each exclusive blend, typed up a letter, and shipped it out. *Hold Breath* I followed up. *Hold Breath* An email came expressing how they loved the idea of having the soap in their restaurant as an oh-I-think-I'll-buy-this-too type of purchase. They also understood my out-of-the-box thought:harmonizing the senses, creates an everlasting experience for customers. "We'll take it!" Yes! Now is the time. White Chocolate Bread Pudding soap is sold exclusively at Bite Your Tongue Restaurant.
I want to leave you with this from-the-mouth-of-a-child-moment:
On the last night of this getaway, sitting in a New York type pizza place in Decatur, Ga,Warrior Princess Z. says, "Everything always works out. Even if we were being chased by wolves, something would work out."
I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I am very happy with where I am at this very moment.
Every yard that I walked on the sandbar of the Gulf warranted a praise to The Most High.
There are several people who can be dishonest with me. I refuse to be one of them. ~Itiel

Monday, September 27, 2010
Simple Tip: The Season For Dry, Cracked Lips
To remove dry skin on lips and to maintain supple lips, exfoliate lips with a wet washcloth. Gently rub cloth in circular motion over lips. Apply Essentials Balm Stick. For dry, cracked lips, exfoliate twice daily and apply Essentials Balm Stick. By exfoliating you are allowing new skin cells to regenerate;the Essentials Balm Stick will aid in the removal of that unattractive, damaged skin.
Skin Tips

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wonder Wednesday! Inspiration
I had an OM (Olfactory Moment) last night in my sleep. Share yours too! Below is a little something-something to get you through the rest of the week.
Hello Circle of Friends:
It's the middle of the week, whatever you do today take moment to connect with who you are. Breath and know that your Life matters and you are here for a unique purpose. Even if the storms of life is raging and you are weary, just stand, be still and it will pass as you shift your thinking and begin to imagine exactly what you desire. Miracles and Wonders never cease!
You've come thus far by Faith!! Do not give up! Do not Quit. Learn the lessons and grow through it all!
Your Thought for Today:-
"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you till it
seems you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for
that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."
seems you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for
that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."

Monday, September 13, 2010
Olfactory Moment
September 13
Olfactory- Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.
Moment- A specific point in time, especially the present time. OR. A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments.
How significant are the moments in your life? Do you take the time to live in your moments? Do you just go about aimlessly, taking your senses for granted?
What is the Olfactory Moment? The Olfactory Moment is when you tell the readers what aroma or odor you smelled over the weekend. What memory did it recreate? Was it a scent that you may never forget, thus creating future memories of that past moment?
You can read past Olfactory Moments here.
Did you have an Olfactory Moment this weekend?

The Mahogany Way: Guest Post Friday: It's Time To Give The Responsibility Back

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Wednesday!
Stock up on your favorites, or try something new! We got plenty for you to indulge in. Mmmm, you smell good! Enjoy.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Wednesday! Her Him &
smell goods '98

Monday, September 6, 2010
The End of Indie Artisan Giveaway 2010
Thank you to all the Indies who sponsored the Indie Artisan Giveaway! Thank you to all the participants! Again, congratulations to all the winners!
Unfortunately, the sponsor for this month (the last IAG for 2010) did not get back with me, but no sweat. While I go down my list, and make contacts for the IAG 2011, I want you to view the IAG 2009-2010 list to the right. Visit those insanely creative Indies, and show your support. Thank you.
Indie Artisan Giveaway will return in the spring of 2011.
Unfortunately, the sponsor for this month (the last IAG for 2010) did not get back with me, but no sweat. While I go down my list, and make contacts for the IAG 2011, I want you to view the IAG 2009-2010 list to the right. Visit those insanely creative Indies, and show your support. Thank you.
Indie Artisan Giveaway will return in the spring of 2011.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Miss Pretty Perfect Handbags: Fall Handbags Are Arriving at MPP!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hammered Copper Disc Earrings Winner!
Congratulations to Angela Vaughan! She is the winner of the Hammered Copper Disc Earrings, designed by Jasmin Mitchell Jewelry. Hey, Angela! Hear that? Wait for it... Wait for it.... Oodles of compliments coming your way! Be glamourous, Angela. Thank you to all who participated.

Monday, August 16, 2010
Olfactory Moment
August 16
Olfactory- Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.
Moment- A specific point in time, especially the present time. OR. A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments.
How significant are the moments in your life? Do you take the time to live in your moments? Do you just go about aimlessly, taking your senses for granted?
What is the Olfactory Moment? The Olfactory Moment is when you tell the readers what aroma or odor you smelled over the weekend. What memory did it recreate? Was it a scent that you may never forget, thus creating future memories of that past moment?
You can read past Olfactory Moments here and here.
Did you have an Olfactory Moment this weekend?

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Indie Highlight: Check Out AfriqueLaChic's Giveaway!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Indie Artisan Giveaway-2010! Jasmin Mitchell Jewelry
Open to US residents only.
You must leave your first name, email address, and comment to qualify for this giveaway. Entries without these details are not counted in giveaway. Read below for the details.
This month's Indie Artisan Giveaway is being sponsored by Jasmin Mitchell Jewelry!
Jasmin Mitchell Jewelry -high quality, one-of-a-kind, handmade jewelry created with a variety of materials including semi-precious stones, precious metals, fabric, recycled leather and much more.
Hammered Copper Disc Earrings. Retail Value $30.00
Item Description: hammered copper discs with deep patina finish and bright copper chain-length (disc only) 3 inches-length including chain - approx. 3.5 inch- diameter of disc- approx. 1.5 inches
- No purchase is necessary to win. You simply have to visit Jasmin Mitchell Jewelry to take a look around. Leave a comment about one of the creations. Your comment is your entry.
- Only one comment per person, duplicate entries will be deleted.
- Your comment should include:
Your name and a way to reach you (email address) should you win.
The name of your favorite item in the shop(s) or the URL to it. - The contest ends on Friday, August 13th, 9 p.m.(est). The winner will be selected using

Monday, August 2, 2010
Ayesha Siddiqua's Poem for
All-around-social-media-buddy, Ayesha Siddiqua sent me a tweet a few weeks ago... "I am going to write a poem about your business." OK. Cool. Honored.
Aroma and fragrance flying around,
Clasp your dreams and let beauty surround!
Rich and soulful,Forever yours,
Describing you,defining you,personifying your heart!
Smellgoodspa brings aroma of heavens for you!
Perfumes and incense of love,
Arouse yourself with joys of soothing scents and mists of everlasting love.
A perfume for the frangrance in you,
Smellgoodspa celebrates life and it's fragrances,just for you!
The next time someone says''Mmmm,you smell good!!'',
Smile back at smellgoodspa for making your day refreshingly wonderful :)
-By Ayesha Siddiqua
Thank you, Ayesha. We love it!
smell goods '98

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
She's A Lady Hair Tie Winner!
She's A Lady Winner!
Congratulations to Reinna Dennis! She is the winner of She's A Lady Hair Tie, designed by Tomoka's Twists. Rock on, Reinna! Thank you to all who participated.
Congratulations to Reinna Dennis! She is the winner of She's A Lady Hair Tie, designed by Tomoka's Twists. Rock on, Reinna! Thank you to all who participated.

Monday, July 19, 2010
Oh, BABY! That Was a Great Quickie!
My desire is to inspire women in business, to aspire to be the best that they can, in all aspects of their lives. Itiel
No, not that kind of quickie. I'm talking about the other "tension reliever". ;)
From time to time, I like to speak on the subject of health. Exercise is essential to living your best life as a woman. A woman who is running a home and a business needs to stay healthy, and might I add, sexy.
Working Out is a high interest of mine. For the past several months Jillian Michaels and Tony (P90x) have been my "buddies". There have been some months (like this month) when my schedule is full. I have to get my workouts in, and this is where the quickies come in handy. I thought I share with you, what I've been doing 3x a week this month:
Always topping off my workout with a recovery drink.
In between days I do the Perfect Push-Up system. This targets the arms and the Core.
To Your Health,
No, not that kind of quickie. I'm talking about the other "tension reliever". ;)
From time to time, I like to speak on the subject of health. Exercise is essential to living your best life as a woman. A woman who is running a home and a business needs to stay healthy, and might I add, sexy.
Working Out is a high interest of mine. For the past several months Jillian Michaels and Tony (P90x) have been my "buddies". There have been some months (like this month) when my schedule is full. I have to get my workouts in, and this is where the quickies come in handy. I thought I share with you, what I've been doing 3x a week this month:
- Cardio:
30 jumping jacks
30 jump rope
30 jabs in sumo position (deep)
- front and back leg lunges ( 2 sets/10 reps per lunge) w/ weights in hand
- Cardio
- dead lifts (2 sets/15 reps) w/ weights
- Cardio
- wide leg squats (2 sets/15 reps) w/ weights
- Cardio
- inner and outer thigh standing leg lifts (2 sets/ 10 reps per leg) w/ exercise bands- Can be done with ankle weights, or, no added resistance at all.
- Cardio
- Cool down
Always topping off my workout with a recovery drink.
In between days I do the Perfect Push-Up system. This targets the arms and the Core.
To Your Health,
smell goods lady's thoughts

Enjoy Video Inspiration-Me & Family
My desire is to inspire women in business, to aspire to be the best that they can, in all aspects of their lives. Itiel
Work hard, play harder.... Enjoy.

Monday Inspiration- Eat It Up For The Week
My desire is to inspire women in business, to aspire to be the best that they can, in all aspects of their lives. Itiel
My Pearl today is Peace (it will not be given to the swine). This morning's inbox inspiration, builds upon my foundation. I hope you'll be inspired....
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, and looking forward to an amazing week.
Take a moment to breath and be grateful, exhale into possibilities this week by embracing
Each moment with grace, Master your now for it's all we ever have and see how things unfold
As it should.
Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.- Chinese Proverb
Constantly striving
to become more, have more, and do more can be dangerous. When you fail to accept and embrace where you are right now,
you end up adding a tremendous amount of unnecessary stress to your life. Pause, take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly.
As you pursue your purpose, keep everything in perspective by appreciating the gift of the present.
You are E-X-A-C-T-L-Y where you are supposed to be.
Love and Light

Their are several people who can be dishonest with me. I refuse to be one of them. Itiel
My Pearl today is Peace (it will not be given to the swine). This morning's inbox inspiration, builds upon my foundation. I hope you'll be inspired....
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, and looking forward to an amazing week.
Take a moment to breath and be grateful, exhale into possibilities this week by embracing
Each moment with grace, Master your now for it's all we ever have and see how things unfold
As it should.
Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.- Chinese Proverb
Constantly striving
to become more, have more, and do more can be dangerous. When you fail to accept and embrace where you are right now,
you end up adding a tremendous amount of unnecessary stress to your life. Pause, take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly.
As you pursue your purpose, keep everything in perspective by appreciating the gift of the present.
You are E-X-A-C-T-L-Y where you are supposed to be.
Love and Light
Their are several people who can be dishonest with me. I refuse to be one of them. Itiel

Olfactory Moment
July 19
Olfactory- Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.
Moment- A specific point in time, especially the present time. OR. A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments.
How significant are the moments in your life? Do you take the time to live in your moments? Do you just go about aimlessly, taking your senses for granted?
What is the Olfactory Moment? The Olfactory Moment is when you tell the readers what aroma or odor you smelled over the weekend. What memory did it recreate? Was it a scent that you may never forget, thus creating future memories of that past moment?
You can read past Olfactory Moments here.
Did you have an Olfactory Moment this weekend?

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Proud Partner of Project A.L.O.E.!
Project A.L.O.E. (Assisting Ladies by Offering Essentials)

Smell Goods '98™ is proud to be a Project A.L.O.E. Partner.
Smell Goods '98™ is proud to be a Project A.L.O.E. Partner.

Friday, July 9, 2010
Indie Artisan Giveaway-2010! Tomoka's Twists!
Open to US residents only.
You must leave your first name, email address, and comment to qualify for this giveaway. Entries without these details are not counted in giveaway. Read below for the details.
This month's Indie Artisan Giveaway is being sponsored by Tomoka's Twists!
Tomoka's Twists hair accessories are designed for thick, highly textured hair and locs, but can be worn with other textures of hair. Our items are handmade, unique, beautiful and functional ways to adorn your hair.
Connect with Tomoka's Twists on Twitter and Facebook.
She's A Lady-It is a elastic hair tie that can be worn with locs or loose hair. Retail Value $18.00
Tweet About It
You must leave your first name, email address, and comment to qualify for this giveaway. Entries without these details are not counted in giveaway. Read below for the details.
This month's Indie Artisan Giveaway is being sponsored by Tomoka's Twists!
Tomoka's Twists hair accessories are designed for thick, highly textured hair and locs, but can be worn with other textures of hair. Our items are handmade, unique, beautiful and functional ways to adorn your hair.
Connect with Tomoka's Twists on Twitter and Facebook.
She's A Lady-It is a elastic hair tie that can be worn with locs or loose hair. Retail Value $18.00
- No purchase is necessary to win. You simply have to visit Tomoka's Twists to take a look around. Leave a comment about one of the creations. Your comment is your entry.
- Only one comment per person, duplicate entries will be deleted.
- Your comment should include:
Your name and a way to reach you (email address) should you win.
The name of your favorite item in the shop(s) or the URL to it.
- The contest ends on Monday, July 19th, 9 p.m.(est). The winner will be selected using
Tweet About It

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Who's Up For A Pina Colada?!
Because it's r-e-e-e-d-d-d-d-y!!! Intoxicate your skin with our 4 Seasons Spa Combo, Pina Colada Fantasy. Available in hand-dipped incense, too! Indulge. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
It's Wednesday, Baby! Win 1 oz Signature Fragrance Oil Blend
It's "hump day"! Monday is so yesterday, and the weekend is on the horizon. It's Wednesday, Baby celebrates "your time"! Today, one randomly selected Fan will be chosen to win a 1 oz Signature Fragrance Oil Blend! Read our Facebook Note on how to enter. Ends 11:59p,est.

Monday, June 21, 2010
Zamani Ear Ornaments Winner!
Congratulations to Zehra Aziz! She is the winner of Zamani Ear Ornaments, designed by Kezzmit. Rock on, Zehra! I believe you will truly enjoy adorning your ears with these. Thank you to all who participated.
Next month's Indie Artisan Giveaway sponsor is..... Tomoka's Twist!
Next month's Indie Artisan Giveaway sponsor is..... Tomoka's Twist!

How Will You SMELL Summer of 2010?
Purchase a Signature Fragrance, a bath & body product, or aromatic product in any of these summer blends, receive 15% off! Use code summer2010 at checkout. Special ends 9/17/2010. This special offer excludes Samples.
smell goods '98

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
It's Wednesday, Baby! Win King After Shave!
It's "hump day"! Monday is so yesterday, and the weekend is on the horizon. It's Wednesday, Baby celebrates "your time"!
Today, one randomly selected Fan will be chosen to win a King After Shave! A perfectly wholesome gift for Father's Day. Read our Facebook Note on how to enter. Ends 11:59p est.
Today is also, Buy 2 Get 1 Free Wednesday! Buy 2 Signature Fragrance Oil Blend get 1 free!
Today, one randomly selected Fan will be chosen to win a King After Shave! A perfectly wholesome gift for Father's Day. Read our Facebook Note on how to enter. Ends 11:59p est.
Today is also, Buy 2 Get 1 Free Wednesday! Buy 2 Signature Fragrance Oil Blend get 1 free!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tip:How Do I Savor My Body Scrub? | Smell Good Spa™
Body Scrubs and Body Polishes are win-win products. Slough off dead skin cells, seal in the moisture with the natural oils, and if you have a Smell Good Spa™ body polish, you're walking away smelling good, too! Three steps in one product, plus, there's no need to lotion up afterwards! See, told ya, win-win.
Here's a useful tip, to help you get the most indulgence from your body scrub.
Although fun, convenient and effective, many women can't figure out how to savor their exfoliants. The next time you're out shopping, pick up a pair of exfoliating gloves. You can find a pair of those textured gloves in the bath section. Now, when you hop into the tub (or shower) for your spa-at-home time, slide on your gloves, grab a quarter-size amount (per body part) of polish out of the jar, and start massaging. The gloves will assist the exfoliant in removing dead skin cells and the oil will spread.
Another Helpful Tip:
Do not overuse your body scrubs or body polishes. These products should be used no more than 3 times per week.
Have Fun!
In need of wholesome exfoliants that'll leave you smelling good? Check them out here.
How often do you remove dead cells from you skin?
Be Whole,
Here's a useful tip, to help you get the most indulgence from your body scrub.
Although fun, convenient and effective, many women can't figure out how to savor their exfoliants. The next time you're out shopping, pick up a pair of exfoliating gloves. You can find a pair of those textured gloves in the bath section. Now, when you hop into the tub (or shower) for your spa-at-home time, slide on your gloves, grab a quarter-size amount (per body part) of polish out of the jar, and start massaging. The gloves will assist the exfoliant in removing dead skin cells and the oil will spread.
Another Helpful Tip:
Do not overuse your body scrubs or body polishes. These products should be used no more than 3 times per week.
Have Fun!
In need of wholesome exfoliants that'll leave you smelling good? Check them out here.
How often do you remove dead cells from you skin?
Be Whole,
smell good spa,

What's The Difference? Moisturizer/Emollient | Smell Good Spa™
Do you know the difference between a moisturizer and an emollient?
- Moisturizer- Something that adds moisture to skin.
What are moisturizers in bath and body products?
Aloe Vera Juice
Moisturizers are lotions and creams, and the skin benefits most when those products are applied throughout the day, and at night.
- Emollient- Something that softens the skin. Something that protects the skin. A term used to describe single ingredients, however, the finished product is called "moisturizer".
What are emollients in bath and body products?
Nut Butter, Fruit Butter
Plant Oil, Fruit Oil, Nut Oil
Emollients are better known as body butters; body balms; after-bath oils. Those products are excellent to use after bathing/showering. Emollients attract moisture to your skin and retain moisture in your skin.
Natural emollients work best on skin that is hydrated from the inside out. So...drink plenty of h2o and eat "live"green vegetables.
To Your Health!
live good.feel good.smell good.™
Be Whole,
smell good spa,

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