A new venture by two teenage girls. ;o) I love it!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

MyDreadLocks.Com Giveaway!
There are three $25 gift baskets up for grabs for anyone who submits pictures of dreadlocks (they must be your locs, of course). Check out the goodies in the basket!

Monday, October 25, 2010
Looking For A Good Deal?
I know you are. For our weekly deals, visit news.smellgoodspa.com. Get our weekly deals delivered in your inbox;subscribe to MMMM News.

Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday Musing
*Waves* to all new followers. :o)
In everything you do, have a purpose. Make sure the quality of your
intent is one of truth, honor and love. Prepare to pursue your purpose
with prayer. Ask for guidance, protection and direction. Ask that
closed doors be opened and that the purpose of those that remain closed
be revealed. Give thanks for your answered prayers by proceeding
without any doubt. Keep your purpose in mind, trust the guidance you
receive, have faith in your ability to succeed and accept all that comes
your way. If your purpose is clear, your prayers backed by faith, your
outlook sure and positive, never, never look back. You may meet forks
and turns in the road, but your obstacles shall all be removed.
Excerpt from
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant
Love and Light Always!

There are four rungs on the ladder of success:
Plan Purposefully, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed
Positively, Pursue Persistently.
- African-American folklore
Plan Purposefully, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed
Positively, Pursue Persistently.
- African-American folklore
In everything you do, have a purpose. Make sure the quality of your
intent is one of truth, honor and love. Prepare to pursue your purpose
with prayer. Ask for guidance, protection and direction. Ask that
closed doors be opened and that the purpose of those that remain closed
be revealed. Give thanks for your answered prayers by proceeding
without any doubt. Keep your purpose in mind, trust the guidance you
receive, have faith in your ability to succeed and accept all that comes
your way. If your purpose is clear, your prayers backed by faith, your
outlook sure and positive, never, never look back. You may meet forks
and turns in the road, but your obstacles shall all be removed.
I am planning with purpose, preparing with prayer, proceeding positively in persistent pursuit of my goal.
Excerpt from
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant
Love and Light Always!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I'm Back! 1% Inspiration 99% Perspiration. Faith Without Works Is Dead.
My desire is to inspire women in business to aspire to be the best that they can, in all aspects of their lives. Itiel
The Majestic & Bountiful Gulf
(This is an actual shot. Not photoshopped nor stock. Amazing right?!)
I went away for a few days (yay). An excellent break from the months' (especially last month) grinding;mental and spiritual preparation for this month's anticipated business. Initially I was reluctant about getting away, because of our huge sale that we only do once a year. After finalizing two local collaborations, processing retail sales all month, and beginning the fall semester of home education, I knew this is what I needed. "Gurl (sucking teeth like mi sistas in the Caribbean), setup the home base, and work that technology like it was designed to!" The sale was a great success! Each order warranted a praise to The Most High.
1% Inspiration 99% Perspiration ~ Edison
Faith Without Works Is Dead~ James
Adding new dynamics to this business is a task that I've diligently, creatively, and intelligently been working on. For years my focus has been on the retail side, and that is now thriving on its own. I want to do all that I possibly can for this business;to have it run like a well-oiled machine. Over the past several months I've been working & waiting;working & listening (internally);working & being inspired;working & watching the doors open;sitting & listening. There are many "experts" out there who have great marketing ideas. I've never been one to completely do what some other mere mortal tells me to do; I've taken some good parts, mixed in my ideas, worked according to my integrity, and did (do) what I thought (think) is best for my business.
I decided to put more into my Affiliate Program. Putting in more effort has not only drawn those I communicate with over the web, but other websites that I've never heard of before. Success! I've implemented a unique wholesaling entity, client gifting entity, and exclusive creations for other types of businesses. Success! Yeah, last month was super busy.
Courage & Fear R Nemeses
A Facebook friend updated his status with this:
To acknowledge what is working
in your life is the most powerful
way of transforming yourself.
I read his status while on my getaway. I reflected on when I came to that revelation. That was one of the moments that changed my life. Thus I have been propelling forward ever since.
Four months ago when moving forward with adding new dynamics, I received an email. People are always watching. Remain consistent and genuine. Niki Barber a professional Doula told me that she has a new mobile boutique, Simora Rose Le Boutique Voyagé, and wanted Smell Goods' products. Now the reason I say that people are always watching is because I ran into her mother a year before receiving a correspondence from Niki. Her mother is the owner of the first established reggae store in Charlotte (someone whom I have always admired as a business person, up close and afar). She mentioned how Niki has been keeping up with me and the business via the WWW, and was very excited/happy about the consistency and the transformation (and boy has there been transformation-LOL). You know, I walked away being happy that she was happy, not thinking of anything else. How about she (and her business partner) was the first wholesale order!
OK, now this next collaboration.... I am so... Man... Let me.... OK, already!
You know my creations come from being inspired by gourmet desserts, gourmet beverages, and confections. Right? Well, four months ago while moving forward with adding new dynamics, I was driving in my vehicle when I got a thought (working & listening internally), create something for Bite Your Tongue Restaurant. Huh? Yes! This is something you've always desired;to exclusively create for food businesses. Now is the time. What if it doesn't work out? Now is the time. What if... I heard my mother's voice at that moment, 'There can only be two answers, yes or no. What is the worst thing that can happen?' Now is the time.
Bite Your Tongue Restaurant was started by a wife and husband team, who decided to make Charlotte their home after Hurricane Katrina. Over the years we have gotten to know them and Martine's amazing Louisiana style of cooking. Again, another business owner that I have admired up close and afar.
King T, the Warrior Princesses, and I went in one day just to purchase BYT's #1 selling dessert, White Chocolate Bread Pudding. Later, Martine admitted that she thought that was odd, but thought we just wanted to say, "Hi".
After tasting that scrumptious treat, I immediately had the fragrance notes in my olfactory brain. The fragrance blends (yes, I created two) were spot-on. I infused soap with each exclusive blend, typed up a letter, and shipped it out. *Hold Breath* I followed up. *Hold Breath* An email came expressing how they loved the idea of having the soap in their restaurant as an oh-I-think-I'll-buy-this-too type of purchase. They also understood my out-of-the-box thought:harmonizing the senses, creates an everlasting experience for customers. "We'll take it!" Yes! Now is the time. White Chocolate Bread Pudding soap is sold exclusively at Bite Your Tongue Restaurant.
I want to leave you with this from-the-mouth-of-a-child-moment:
On the last night of this getaway, sitting in a New York type pizza place in Decatur, Ga,Warrior Princess Z. says, "Everything always works out. Even if we were being chased by wolves, something would work out."
I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I am very happy with where I am at this very moment.
Every yard that I walked on the sandbar of the Gulf warranted a praise to The Most High.
There are several people who can be dishonest with me. I refuse to be one of them. ~Itiel

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