My desire is to inspire women in business, to aspire to be the best that they can, in all aspects of their lives. Itiel
Author: Tamyka Washington | The CEO Mamma, Small Business Marketing Blog For Women Entrepreneurs
Author: Tamyka Washington | The CEO Mamma, Small Business Marketing Blog For Women Entrepreneurs
WHY? Because this is an issue I’m seeing entirely to much and it is time for the women who are experiencing lack in their business to take a look at what could be the problem and take the steps to correct it.
I thought entering the World Wide Web would bring me almost instant success (I said almost, because I knew I wasn’t going to become rich over night…but sure it was going to be soon after)
I’m not ashamed to admit, I didn’t have a clue…at first. I had an opportunity, a few ideas and was positive, I was gonna get paid! But after months of barely making enough money to pay my web hosting, I had enough sense to see what I was doing…was SO NOT working.
What I see today with many women, some of them in my circle, is that they are not making any money, yet they continue to do the things that are NOT giving them the results they want.
If you want to be a women in business, making a generous profit that continues to increase month after month, you have to make some serious changes…PERIOD, starting with, (1) Changing your way of thinking, (2) Be willing to learn and/or invest in what it takes to “Get it Right” and (3) Be intentional and seriously, GET TO WORK!
Let’s Be Real… This thing called Entrepreneurship, is not easy. It takes a lot, and that’s why it is not a preferred choice for everyone. You have to be willing to give it your all…and then some, make sacrifices, and by no means can you give up.
What I discovered for myself, and from talking with those women who aren’t making money in their business, is that there are a few things that always arise and are key setbacks that prevent you from really experiencing an abundance in your business.
1. There is a lack of focus, clear direction and an actionable plan. For the most part, many women just simply don’t know what to do. They have no clue where to start or even how to start so they operate in spurts based on what they see others doing.
One week they are actively promoting their business, sharing and interacting online…then they disappear, only to resurface weeks later and repeat the cycle. There is no consistency so these women fall off the social radar and are rarely taken seriously.
2. The “Serial Entrepreneur”. Many of my Go-Getter sisters fall into this category and I totally support multiple streams of income…however, the problem here is with the women who are starting a new venture every other week and have yet to completely establish the previous business.
To be quit honest, these are the women who generally make the least amount of money, if any at all because they are often paying out, way more than what is coming in. With the different businesses they operate, they are often unable to discover and connect with a specific target market and in the process, reach only a very few.
3. Not committed to the full investment of time required. These are the women who have a clear goal and know what they have to do but are unable to dedicate the amount of time it takes to get it done. Because of this, they often go unnoticed even if they provide a remarkable product or service.
This woman may have other things going on in her life that keep her from being able to pursue her business in the manner in which she desires.
4. Making Excuses. This is another area many women fall into. Far to many excuses as to why they can’t start or grow their business. A lot of times it is because of a full-time job, or they are a single parent, or school or money…for some, these can be legit reasons BUT, there are lots of women who have the same things going on in their lives and still make it happen.
Most of the time, excuses are a disguise for fear. Fear of the “what if’s…”. As a lot of us do know, FEAR will stop anybody dead in their tracks and surly keep you paralyzed in your business.
Do you fall into any of these categories?
If so, I encourage you today to take a step back and reassess your situation. Acknowledge where you are falling short and determine the steps you need to take to move forward in prosperity.
It’s not easy, and we have all been in at least one, or some of these places at some point in our journey. The key to getting unstuck is to seek out the best support for you.
Author: Tamyka Washington | The CEO Mamma, Small Business Marketing Blog For Women Entrepreneurs
Author: Tamyka Washington | The CEO Mamma, Small Business Marketing Blog For Women Entrepreneurs