Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hey I "Know" You

Have you ever had the chance to meet one of your social network "friends"?  Not people you already know.  I have.  Just this past Sunday.  I was in my LOCAL market (not even 1 mile from my house), turned around in the aisle, and saw a familiar face.  This person and I have been connected on Facebook since the beginning of 2009 (she lived in a different state).  I had a chance to meet her mother, and she met my family as well.  King T and the Warrior Princesses wondered how I knew her.  Her face is on Facebook.  It was cool and weird all at the same time.

Note: 1. As business women always be presentable when you step out of your home (I come from a family of women that always emphasized the importance of looking like a lady when exiting the house.) 2. Live an authentic life in your home.  Be good to the people that you deal with everyday behind closed doors.  When you are in public it will reflect.  You never know who you will run into.