Girls are born with the boss mentality.
If she chooses to become a wife, it's there for her to be a helpmate to her husband.
If they choose to have a family, it's there for her to keep order in her home, and raise whole children.
If she chooses to be the employer, it's there for her to delegate and generate success.
She is a princess. Not in the knight-on-a-white-horse/damsel-in-distress way, but possessing the leadership role with compassion; and, being able to be a warrior -- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's an honor to be a Warrior Princess.
My role in my daughters' lives is to teach them how to use that innate power for good....not evil.
One of the simple, but vital ways that I do so, is by helping them remember who they are.
Be Whole,
Monday, August 4, 2014
My Truth On Why Girls Have the Boss Mentality | Smell Good Spa™
Over the years, I have learned that the best way to encourage others is to share life experiences. As of 12/22/2015, postings on this blog are my personal, transparent experiences for women entrepreneurs.
My Be Whole messages might not resonate with you, you might not agree with anything posted, and that is completely okay. Remember, these are my life experiences and how they are connected to me, supported me, and possibly changed me as a woman entrepreneur. I do not separate who I am from what I do.
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