My desire is to inspire women in business, to aspire to be the best that they can, in all aspects of their lives. Itiel
I recently had the pleasure (and I do mean pleasure) of e-meeting Tawana Necole. I should've known that she would be an inspirational person. Many thanks to the LightCaster's Project for placing us into each other's space.
The below post is from Tawana's blog, A Corporate Chic. I read it this past Friday, but could not get it out of my heart. I wanted to share it with you, so I asked permission to re-blog. I've shared similar thoughts here, groups, individuals, and myself. However, it's nothing wrong with a reminder. Here's yours. Be inspired.
I thought I'd highlight the words that resonated with me.
What real CONFIDENCE is...
I can honestly admit that this inner self journey has been more exciting then the Corporate Chics journey and the Sisters Striving for Excellence journey. I am learning me, not sweating the small stuff, and I am SO-In TUNE to my heart. Now that I am beginning to see the fruit of my labor, it's not surprising that everything is lining up in a miraculous way. You wanna know why? Because the harvest that I have been expecting is manifesting. The different schools or organizations approaching SSE, Inc. about incorporation was planned, organized, and structured by an elite group of women---which included me. The many opportunities that have presented itself in the last two weeks for Corporate Chics is only a manifestation of the work that I have been doing since 2008.
So if I am not as excited about things or if I am not always talking about what's going on with's only because ofConfidence and expectation. I am excited internally, but I remind myself that this is supposed to happen. Whatever I receive is only what I have been working towards. Daily, I affirm that I am patient, understanding, appreciative, and humble. Daily, I confess that I AM a woman of faith, I do NOT live in fear, and I live in the
So if I am not as excited about things or if I am not always talking about what's going on with's only because ofConfidence and expectation. I am excited internally, but I remind myself that this is supposed to happen. Whatever I receive is only what I have been working towards. Daily, I affirm that I am patient, understanding, appreciative, and humble. Daily, I confess that I AM a woman of faith, I do NOT live in fear, and I live in the
present and enjoy each moment. Daily, I meditate on favor, divine connections, and walking in abundance consistently. And that is what Confidence is...
Confidence is not arrogance, condescending, or ignorance. It is fueled with boldness, a tablespoon of courage, and a pinch of fear (not doubt). Confidence is living in the KNOW. I KNOW that everything that I aspire to become whether it be to myself, my family, my friends, and to others I ALREADY AM. And when it happens on a level or in a way that is totally left field, I understand that we are always blessed way more than we could ever imagine. We can NOT fathom what the Creator really wants for we must be Confident in Him. Because HE knows our end and is the author of our lives; although he gives us the power of choice. ---> So why be amazed? I enjoy the journey and as life unfolds daily, I expect something great to happen. It's ok to be grateful or thankful when you begin to see the fruits of your labor in this dimension, but when you are walking in Confidence, nothing is a's expected.
Confidence is not arrogance, condescending, or ignorance. It is fueled with boldness, a tablespoon of courage, and a pinch of fear (not doubt). Confidence is living in the KNOW. I KNOW that everything that I aspire to become whether it be to myself, my family, my friends, and to others I ALREADY AM. And when it happens on a level or in a way that is totally left field, I understand that we are always blessed way more than we could ever imagine. We can NOT fathom what the Creator really wants for we must be Confident in Him. Because HE knows our end and is the author of our lives; although he gives us the power of choice. ---> So why be amazed? I enjoy the journey and as life unfolds daily, I expect something great to happen. It's ok to be grateful or thankful when you begin to see the fruits of your labor in this dimension, but when you are walking in Confidence, nothing is a's expected.