There are four rungs on the ladder of success:
Plan Purposefully, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed
Positively, Pursue Persistently.
- African-American folklore
Plan Purposefully, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed
Positively, Pursue Persistently.
- African-American folklore
In everything you do, have a purpose. Make sure the quality of your
intent is one of truth, honor and love. Prepare to pursue your purpose
with prayer. Ask for guidance, protection and direction. Ask that
closed doors be opened and that the purpose of those that remain closed
be revealed. Give thanks for your answered prayers by proceeding
without any doubt. Keep your purpose in mind, trust the guidance you
receive, have faith in your ability to succeed and accept all that comes
your way. If your purpose is clear, your prayers backed by faith, your
outlook sure and positive, never, never look back. You may meet forks
and turns in the road, but your obstacles shall all be removed.
I am planning with purpose, preparing with prayer, proceeding positively in persistent pursuit of my goal.
Excerpt from
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant
Love and Light Always!